Most Luxurious And Beautiful Island In The World

1. Cousine Island
Cousine Island is one of the most remote islands in the world's visually stunning, large island only 62 acres, but the beauty of this island is truly amazing, giving you peace within yourself, and make your life more colorful. Cousine Island is one of 115 islands in the Seychelles and offers unspoiled natural beauty. The island is filled with lush plants and many species of birds and turtles, Cousine Island is like the Garden of Eden of the modern world.

2. Necker Island
Necker Island is one of the jewels of the British Virgin Islands and was made by Sir Richard Branson. The cost of one night stay is $ 53,000 USD. And you get a personal oasis for you and your guests (and employees only 60.) Necker Island located in British Virgin Islands in the north of Virgin Gorda. Located in the Caribbean, an area of ​​74 hectares of the island, surrounded by the typical turquoise Caribbean sea, coral reefs and beaches.

3. Mnemba Island
Mnemba Island is a beautiful white sand and pristine diving complex with beautiful coral formations under the sea, a giant tortoise habitat, and 10 exclusive cottages on a beautiful sunset. The main Lodge Mnemba Island beach paradise dreamers experience, surrounded by coral reefs in the Indian Ocean atoll. Display a romantic, exclusive and luxurious scenery is reason enough for unsurpassed beauty of the island paradise to enjoy barefoot.

4. Barbados Island
Barbados is an island, which lies on the border the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Summarizes a group of small islands of the Antilles, Barbados is located in the eastern cluster tersebut.Barbados known for the tourism industry and is known as Little England, or "Little England" of the Caribbean islands. This is because the strong British influence in the island. Barbados Island is located 2585 miles southeast of Miami, United States and 860 km from Caracas, Venezuela.

5. Bermuda Island
Historically, Bermuda was discovered by a Spanish explorer Juan de Bermudez tahun1503 called. An appeal of Bermuda is a legend and natural beauty. Many people say that the Bermuda Triangle (Bermuda Triangle) it's just a legend, but the islands of Bermuda life. Ancient stories, often in bad weather hit the islands, causing many shipwrecks, almost as close to the islands.
